During my trip to Nepal in October/November 2012, I saw some amazing architecture. There were lots of palaces and temples. Much of it was influenced by Hindu religion. The wood carved sculptures were amazing.

During the Malla dynasties up to 1768, there were three kings in the Kathmandu valley. Their palaces were in Kathmandu itself, in Bhaktapur, and in Patan. The area with the palace of the king is called Durbar Square. I visited all three Durbar Squares.

I also visited a few other towns in the Kathmandu valley, plus the area around Pokhara.

One interesting part of the Hindu culture are the various temples with erotic statues. There were several in the Kathmandu valley. I saw a bit of that in India as well, but by far not as many as in Nepal.

Here are the links to the pages for the various sites that I visited.

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Kathmandu, Nepal
Bhaktapur, Nepal
Patan, Nepal
Panauti, Nepal
Bungamati, Nepal
Dhulikhel, Nepal
Khokana, Nepal
Chandeshwari Temple, Nepal
Chandeshwari Temple
Nagarkot, Nepal
Pokhara, Nepal

These pages contain 388 pictures

Main page for Nepal

Page last updated on Thu Dec 31 23:08:06 2020 (Mountain Standard Time)

Architecture in Nepal on gei.geichhorn.com

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