There are over 80 different tribes in Ethiopia. In the Omo Valley you can experience local tribes in traditional clothes at traditional local markets. It was a very colorful and interesting experience. Here are pictures of some of the local tribal people.
Group of local tribes people at market. (1234k) Local market. In this area, many of the women were wearing the leather caps that you see in the lower right. (1029k) Local men. (1127k) Local men. (741k) Local man. I like the mini skirts that they are wearing. (779k) Local woman. (826k) Local woman. (1001k) Local woman. (922k) Local women. (1023k) Local women. (859k) Local woman. (892k) Local woman. (853k) Local woman. (569k) Local woman. (596k) This village had lots of such statues. (1211k)
Tigray woman. (938k) Hairdo of Tigray woman. (535k)
Alaba man. The tall hats are typical for the Alaba men. (594k) Alaba men. (637k)
Konso at the market. (1019k) Older Konso woman. (693k) Konso woman. (643k)
Group of Hamer women at the market. (952k) Three brightly decorated Hamer women. (946k) Close-up of Hamer woman. (821k) Close-up of Hamer woman. (802k) Close-up of Hamer woman. (778k) Hamer woman. (908k) Hamer woman. (950k) Close-up of Hamer woman. (911k) Hamer kids. (1243k)
Benna man. (946k) Benna youngster on stilts. They try to get tips from tourists. (927k) Benna youngster. (669k) Benna man with rifle. They all carried rifles because of cattle rustler from competing tribes. (863k) Close-up of Benna man. (548k) Unmarried Benna woman. (1133k) Close-up of unmarried Benna woman. (818k)
Dorze woman. (647k) Dorze woman spinning yarn. (1078k) Dorze man showing traditional dance. (1006k) Dorze hanging out at the market, smoking the water pipe. (1082k)
Mursi men. (1011k) Mursi man. (1072k) Mursi man. Some of them were painted like this. (874k) Mursi girl. (776k) Mursi kids. (1101k) Mursi women grinding flower. (1007k) Old Mursi woman. (876k) Older Mursi woman. (1077k) Mursi woman with child. (753k) Young Mursi woman. Not all had the lip disks. (906k) Mursi woman with children. She has a large lip disk. (936k) Mursi woman with a large lip disk. (691k) Mursi woman with a large lip disk. (903k) Mursi woman with a large lip disk. (901k)