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Birds were not very plentiful, except for the Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus , german: Schmutzgeier , french: Percnoptère ). The most obvious birds in Socotra are these Vultures, with Socotra having the highest globally recorded density of these birds. They are everywhere.
Other than those, the most common birds are the starlings, the Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ) and the endemic Socotra Starling (Onychognathus frater ). I also saw the Socotra Sparrow (Passer insularis , french: Moineau de Socotra ), the Socotra Warbler (Incana incana ), Socotra Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor uncinatus , german: Raubwürger , french: Pie-grièche grise ), and Socotra Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis sokotrae , german: Palmtaube , french: Tourterelle maillée )
There are 9 endemic bird species on Socotra , I saw 3 endemic species and 2 endemic subspecies.
Nature pictures of Yemen and other bird pages are linked:
Nature Page for Yemen Bird Pages
All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.
Birds in Yemen
Birds near Delisha Beach, including Black-winged Stilts (Himantopus himantopus , german: Stelzenläufer , french: Échasse blanche ) and Eurasian Coots (Fulica atra , german: Blässhuhn , french: Foulque macroule ). (720k)
Socotra Warbler (Incana incana ), endemic to Socotra . (672k)
Socotra Warbler (Incana incana ). (722k)
Female True Sparrow (Passer sp. ). (1087k)
Female Socotra Sparrow (Passer insularis , french: Moineau de Socotra ). (570k)
Male Socotra Sparrow (Passer insularis , french: Moineau de Socotra ), endemic to Socotra . (905k)
Female (left) and male (right) Socotra Sparrows (Passer insularis , french: Moineau de Socotra ). (892k)
White Wagtail (Motacilla alba , german: Bachstelze , french: Bergeronnette grise ). (752k)
Socotra Grey Shrike (Lanius excubitor uncinatus , german: Raubwürger , french: Pie-grièche grise ), endemic to Socotra . (555k)
Socotra Laughing Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis sokotrae , german: Palmtaube , french: Tourterelle maillée ), endemic to Socotra1. (902k)
Pair of Somali Starlings (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ), female (upper) and male (lower). (1248k)
Female Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (1197k)
Female Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (1012k)
Female Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (1020k)
Female Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (1498k)
Male Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (1270k)
Male Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (890k)
Male Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (898k)
Male Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (812k)
Male Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (617k)
Female (left) and male (right) Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (531k)
Male (left) and female (right) Somali Starling (Onychognathus blythii , french: Rufipenne de Blyth ). (1331k)
Socotra Starling (Onychognathus frater ), endemic to Socottra. (490k)
Socotra Starling (Onychognathus frater ). (983k)
Socotra Starling (Onychognathus frater ). (627k)
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos , german: Flussuferläufer , french: Chevalier guignette ). (838k)
Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus , german: Stelzenläufer , french: Échasse blanche ). (650k)
Juvenile Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus , german: Stelzenläufer , french: Échasse blanche ). (644k)
Black-winged Stilts (Himantopus himantopus , german: Stelzenläufer , french: Échasse blanche ). (677k)
Sooty Gull (Ichthyaetus hemprichii , german: Hemprichmöwe , french: Goéland de Hemprich ). (1076k)
Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus fuscus , german: Heringsmöwe , french: Goéland brun ). (551k)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus , german: Heringsmöwe , french: Goéland brun ). (434k)
Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra , german: Blässhuhn , french: Foulque macroule ). (1017k)
African Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus meridionalis , german: Teichralle , french: Gallinule poule d'eau ). (995k)
Garganey Duck (Spatula querquedula , german: Knäkente , french: Sarcelle d'été ). (913k)
Fan-tailed Raven (Corvus rhipidurus , german: Borstenrabe , french: Corbeau à queue courte ). (1055k)
Fan-tailed Raven (Corvus rhipidurus , german: Borstenrabe , french: Corbeau à queue courte ). (681k)
Fan-tailed Raven (Corvus rhipidurus , german: Borstenrabe , french: Corbeau à queue courte ) calling. (1014k)
Bird. (148k)
Seabird colony. (1211k)
Socotra Cormorants (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis , german: Sokotrakormoran , french: Cormoran de Socotra ). (791k)
Forster's Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster plotus , german: Weißbauchtölpel , french: Fou brun ). (843k)
Egyptian Vultures in a Frankincense tree. (655k)
Egyptian Vulture in flight. (1.6M)
Juvenile Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus , german: Schmutzgeier , french: Percnoptère ). (1019k)
Adult Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus , german: Schmutzgeier , french: Percnoptère ). (601k)
Adult Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus , german: Schmutzgeier , french: Percnoptère ). (1192k)
Close-up of the head of an Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus , german: Schmutzgeier , french: Percnoptère ). (643k)
Adult Egyptian Vultures (Neophron percnopterus , german: Schmutzgeier , french: Percnoptère ) sunning their wings. (1.8M)
African Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus , german: Heiliger Ibis , french: Ibis sacré ). (681k)
Little Egret (Egretta garzetta , german: Seidenreiher , french: Aigrette garzette ). (625k)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea , german: Graureiher , french: Héron cendré ) in flight. (1387k)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea , german: Graureiher , french: Héron cendré ). (841k)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea , german: Graureiher , french: Héron cendré ). (546k)
Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea , german: Graureiher , french: Héron cendré ) and immature Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus , german: Rosaflamingo , french: Flamant rose ). (799k)
Greater Flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus , german: Rosaflamingo , french: Flamant rose ). Immature on the left. (760k)
This page contains 56 pictures of 23 bird species
Main page for اليَمَن (Yemen)
Page last updated on Thu Dec 8 21:47:59 2022 (Mountain Standard Time)
Birds in Yemen
on gei.geichhorn.com