I saw various plants and animals on the different islands. The snorkeling was nice in a couple of places, average most of the time. Here are pictures of the fauna and flora of the Grenadines.
Flowers. (567k) Flowers. (501k) Flower. (840k) Thyme on Union Island. (1007k) Large cactus on Petit Rameau. (1.7M) Flowering tree on Petit Rameau. (1319k) Flowering bush and large cactus on Bequia. (1242k) Tree full of airplants on Union Island. (1152k) Large airplant on Union Island. These plants just grow in the tree they don't harm the tree (other than through their sheer weight). (841k) Manchineel (Hippomane mancinella, german: Manchinelbaum, french: Mancenillier) on Canouan. All parts of this tree are extremely poisonous. (1091k) Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis, german: Banyan-Feige, french: Figuier des banians) on Canouan. (1155k) Coconut Palm grove on Bequia. (929k) Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera, german: Kokospalme, french: Cocotier) on Bequia. (1100k) Sausage Tree (Kigelia africana, german: Leberwurstbaum, french: Arbre à saucisses) on Union Island, imported from Africa. (1196k) Breadfruit Tree (Artocarpus altilis, german: Brotfruchtbaum, french: Arbre à pain) on Bequia. (1098k) Breadfruit. (760k) Large Spider Wasp (Pompilidae gen., german: Wegwespen, french: Pompiles) on Union Island. (895k) Atlantic Ghost Crab (Ocypode quadrata, german: Westatlantische Reitkrabbe, french: Crabe fantôme atlantique) on Union Island. (1115k) Caribbean Hermit Crab (Coenobita clypeatus, german: Karibik-Landeinsiedlerkrebs, french: Pinceur violet) on Union Island. (1220k) Bronze Anole (Anolis aeneus) on Union Island. (1064k) Grenadine Ameiva (Ameiva tobagana, german: Grüne Ameive, french: Ameive commun) on Union Island. (1247k) Grenadine Ameiva (Ameiva tobagana, german: Grüne Ameive, french: Ameive commun) on Petit Rameau. (1224k) Grenadine Ameiva (Ameiva tobagana, german: Grüne Ameive, french: Ameive commun) on Petit Rameau. (1.7M) Green Iguana (Iguana iguana, german: Grüner Leguan, french: Iguane vert) and Carib Grackles (Quiscalus lugubris, french: Quiscale merle) on Petit Rameau. (1224k) Green Iguana (Iguana iguana, german: Grüner Leguan, french: Iguane vert) on Canouan. (685k) Red-footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonarius, german: Köhlerschildkröte, french: Tortue charbonnière à pattes rouges) on Canouan. (1148k) Caribbean Spiny Lobsters (Panulirus argus, german: Karibik-Languste, french: Langouste blanche). (555k)