Links to Southern African Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas) pictures

Here are the pictures of Southern African Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas) with links to the pages on which they appear, links to the full sized picture, and the description of the picture with links to the entry in iNaturalist (

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

Botswana Nature
Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas
Southern African Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas, german: Schabracken­schakal, french: Chacal à chabraque). (914k)
Botswana Nature
Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas
The Southern African Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas, german: Schabracken­schakal, french: Chacal à chabraque) circled around the lion kill, hoping to snag a bite. (1124k)
Namibia Nature
Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas
Southern African Black-backed Jackals (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas, german: Schabracken­schakal, french: Chacal à chabraque) feeding on the remains of a Cape Wild Dog kill. (1273k)
Namibia Nature
Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas
Southern African Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas, german: Schabracken­schakal, french: Chacal à chabraque). (1290k)
Namibia Nature
Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas
Southern African Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas, german: Schabracken­schakal, french: Chacal à chabraque). (1138k)
Namibia Nature
Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas
Feeding Cape Wild Dogs (Lycaon pictus pictus, german: Afrikanischer Wildhund, french: Chien sauvage d'Afrique), with a Southern African Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas, german: Schabracken­schakal, french: Chacal à chabraque) trying to steal from their kill. (1.6M)
Namibia Nature
Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas
Cape Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus pictus, german: Afrikanischer Wildhund, french: Chien sauvage d'Afrique) chasing a Southern African Black-backed Jackal (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas, german: Schabracken­schakal, french: Chacal à chabraque) away from their kill. (1478k)
South Africa Nature
Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas
Southern African Black-backed Jackals (Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas, german: Schabracken­schakal, french: Chacal à chabraque). (865k)

Links to Lupulella mesomelas mesomelas on
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*Soaring website